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Success Stories

FlySight Integrates OPENSIGHT with AXNES PNG Wireless Intercom to Enhance Mission Coordination and Safety

Empowering Real-Time ATR (Augmented Target Recognition) Capabilities for Operational excellence and strategic advantage

Elevating Airborne Missions: OPENSIGHT-mc integrated into MANTIS Mission Computer for Enhanced Situational Awareness

Leonardo Helicopters Mission Management System

OPENSIGHT on board HENSOLDT’s latest Mission Computer CaviMission

OPENSIGHT integrated with FlytX® Retrofit for Police/SAR/Firefighting and Military missions

FlySight and Aitech Systems to resolve modern situational awareness challenges in SWAP-constrained environments

OPENSIGHT integrated with ARTEMIS Smith Myers to optimise airborne search results

OPENSIGHT integrated on MAG2A for improved situational awareness

OPENSIGHT and LIFESEEKER combine to enhance efficiency in search and rescue missions


OPENSIGHT-sdk | DVOF data rendering

OPENSIGHT-sdk | ARINC-424 data rendering

OPENSIGHT-sdk | Picture-in-Picture

OPENSIGHT-sdk | Video on Map

OPENSIGHT-atr | Automatic Target Recognition Quick Demo

OPENSIGHT-mc | Mission Console Overview

OPENSIGHT-mc | Mission Console Quick Demo

OPENSIGHT-mc | Mission Console Demo

OPENSIGHT-mc | ARS with AIS Demo

OPENSIGHT-mc | Fusion of EO Video with SAR Images

OPENSIGHT-ac | Analyst Console Quick Demo

OPENSIGHT-ac | Analyst Console Demo

OPENSIGHT-ac | COVID-19 Management Demo

OPENSIGHT-uc | Underwater Optronic Mast Console Quick Demo

OPENSIGHT-cc | Power Lines Detection & Vegetation Interference Assessment

OPENSIGHT and LIFESEEKER combine to enhance efficiency in search and rescue missions

PASEOS Demonstration Phase

OPENSIGHT: the innovative platform for mission planning, execution and debriefing | European Rotors 2022

OPENSIGHT – Decision Support System for the mission-critical operator cognitive enhancement | PAVCon 2023

Independent and Versatile OPENSIGHT Decision Support System: One System for All Missions | European Rotors 2023

Andrea Masini, FlySight CEO @ EDA Annual Conference 2023 Brussels

FlySight and Aitech Systems | Empowering Real-Time ATR Capabilities for Operational excellence and strategic advantage

OPENSIGHT unleashed: Multi-Domain, Multi-Platform, Modular solution with an Open approach | PAvCon 2024


FlySight Company Overview

FlySight Brochure


OPENSIGHT-sdk Brochure

OPENSIGHT-ars Brochure

OPENSIGHT-atr Brochure

OPENSIGHT-mc Brochure

OPENSIGHT-ac Brochure

OPENSIGHT-uc Brochure